[ 會員#22197 ] cyril


病患者男 - 51歲

醫生您好,本人2022年做足踝韌帶修補,軟組織手術,手術到今天,足踝仍忍忍作痛, 主診醫生叫我照mri, 報告顯示:

• No evidence of mass or mass effect along the course of the tarsal tunnel. Mild sinus tarsi degeneration with 1.1 x 0.5 cm multiloculated ganglion cyst along the lateral aspect.


Sequelae to low ankle sprain, partially remodeled anterior talofibular ligament.

Partially remodeled fibular attachment calcaneofibular ligament with suspicious

tiny 0.3 cm non united and essentially non displaced avulsion fracture at the fibular


Intact appearing high ankle ligaments.

1.7 x 0.6 cm lateral talar dome mild chondral thinning with mild subchondral

marrow edema and tiny subchondral cystic changes. Mild to moderate tibialis posterior insertional tendinosis with acquired pes planus and heel valgus.

Moderate infra malleolar peroneus brevis tendinosis.

⚫ Mild sinus tarsi degeneration with 1.1 x 0.5 cm multiloculated ganglion cyst along the lateral aspect


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