My mum suffers from high blood pressure, she was sent to A&E twice last Summer and she BP rise up to 200 on the ambulance. In late March, my mum was again sent to hospital and after several weeks of scanning / checking of her heart/brain, no particular reasons apart from "irregular heartbeat". She had the defrillator implanted on 3 Apr, as suggested by the doctor. 2 weeks after her implantation, it triggered her 10 times while she was asleep and she was then sent to A&E again. She stayed in ICU for 10 days. The doctors at the hospital could not provide concrete reasons for the cause of it . Since then my mum suffered from chest pain (pain level, 8) every night, deteriorate during the night time. The painkillers and sleeping pills aren't doing much help, she gets little sleep at night and chest /heart pain even she has only chat with my dad for less than 30 mins. In these two days, she said she sees blue flash light for 1-2 secs for around 20-30 times. Her brain feels blank in some point too. Kindly advise, thank you.
Her condition seems to be very complex. You can apply the public private interface program in the hospital and let me review with yours when we can access the hospital information together.
Dr. Leung
會員#17423 O.Yan
病患者男 - 28歲
請問若心臟電腦掃瞄報告"Right coronary arteries arise at the level of sino-tubular junction." 是否正常? 謝謝
病人是我朋友,先說一下背景, Pathological closed fracture of right humerus Hx: AF, severe mitral stenosis <1cm on warfarin(plan換心瓣) Pet scan finding: ?multiple myeloma,metastasis are unlikely Blood test: male Tumor makers normal, SPE normal Bone marrow: normal 現在未有diagnosis 原本想做biopsy+ORIF, HA said not fit for GA, private said high risk for GA, not fit for regional block also. One of Private hospital radiologist reject for biopsy. 所以現在似乎所有方法都用盡, 仲有沒有其他機會可以接駁右手加找diagnosis? 及這種病會否是solitary plasmacytoma? 可否跳過拿biopsy直接確診? 主要如何醫治? 換完心瓣可否Fit for GA?