I have TMJ for many years and it is still not yet recover even I am treated by the Chiropractic Doctor. The treatment period between 2004 to 2006
TM Joint is a dental condition usually treated by dental surgeons. However, in the SAR, dentists usually are better trained to tackle conditions within the mouth than over the jaw bone. You may try to consult dental surgeons from University clinic like Philips Dental Hospital. On occasion, some orthopedic surgeon may be able to help control pain related to TM joints by symptomatic injection.
會員# 心烦人
病患者男 - 60歲
本人前年因之前右半月板勞损,導致行路很痛,吃了葡萄糖胺(1500mg)+軟骨素500mg後,情况得到改善便停服,但上年中左半月板也现勞损發炎,住了三天醫院,因打了消炎止痛針也不能站立。现每天再次吃葡萄糖胺+軟骨素已一年多了,但最近感到左邊盆骨之上感赤痛,尤其是在尿急情况下便更痛,這是不是長期服食葡萄糖+軟骨素,而傷害肝腎,我應該停服嗎?但停服又輪到膝痛,不知怎好,望能解憂,萬分感謝!Thank you so much