Treat the whole. Treat the cause. Treating the part will not give good results
Dr Tseng
會員#14376 Daniel
White nodules at knee wound
Thanks for helping! It was about my grandma's knee. She had a sebacous cyst excised 2 months ago and then two small white nodules grow out of the wound a month ago. Now there are 5. What are they? Are they gouty tophi? But my grandma did not have history of hyperuricemia. There was no bleeding or discharge. Mild wound pain present. Wound heals very slowly. History of stroke and localized scleroderma. Thanks!
first: all "tumor" including sebaceous cyst are body's mechanism to localise toxins.
Toxins accumulate where there is stasis.
Stasis is due to Chi not moving. And the cause may be faraway, being reflected at the knees, like foot reflexology.
Everyday, we accumulate toxins, especially for old people. When toxins cannot move due to implants blocking chi flow, lumps will appear several months to years later, as body's natural process to prevent toxins from damaging surrounding organs
Solution: Consider removing all foreign objects, and restart the body through self healing therapies as best.
All other solutions can relieve, but are just patch works
If you can tolerate a period of increased risk of fracture (about 2-3 months) in exchange for faster and more complete recovery, it may be a good trade off.
The principle is: Human body is already perfect. Any additional implant must be removed once their purpose has expired.
For the same reason, I had strong reservation against any surgical implant anywhere in the body, because usually there are other alternatives