Degenerative changes are noted at lower lumbar spine.
Multiple levels of disc desiccative changes with bilateral facet joint hypertrophy are noted.
At L5/S1 level, narrowed disc space with left posterior prolapse disc are noted. Bilateral facet joint hypertrophy noted. Narrowed left lateral spinal recess with possible nerve root compression noted.
Bony alignment appears satisfactory. No bony destruction is noted. No abnormal paraspinal soft tissue mass is seen. Spinal cord ends at L1 vertebral level.
IMPRESSION: Lumbar spondylosis. PIC at L5/S1 level with possible left radiculopathy.
在上述照MRI前的大約1年半前,我曾照過X-ray。有关的檢驗報告如下: X-Ray Cervical Spine (AP & Lateral): There is straightening of cervical lordosis. Degenerative changes are present at C5 to C7 levels with anterior marginal osteophyte formation. Cervical disc spaces and vertebral alignment appear preserved.
我的問題如下: 1)根據上述的X-Ray 報告,我的骨刺是否有壓到神經? 2)為何我後來所照的MRI報告沒有包X-ray報告的病情的呢? 3)我頸部的問題是否應結合X-ray報告和MRI報告的內容,才能反映我頸部實际的狀況呢? 4)我除了頸肩膊痛外,我有頭痛(後尾枕、近耳背位及頭頂兩侧位置)、眩暈、有時視物模糊及出現重影現像、上肢痺痛、有時手部會酸軟無力、各手指頭亦有刺痛出現、有時頭向前低頭及向後仰頭後頸很痛,多數在向後仰頭後特别痛,不但如此,我的上背部近膊位處和雞翼位處常出現撕裂痛和刺痛,這些刺痛曾經在做完頸部物理治療後增多及在上背部週圍走位不停的出現刺痛,刺痛亦走到下腰部位。停止了頸部物理治療後則緩和了許多。最近我背著一個不太重的背囊行路時,除了感到上背部近肩膊位置週圍出現隐隐的撕烈痛和刺痛,我的右邊前胸竟同時出現陣陣的刺痛,這情況為持了整個下午。請問這些症狀都是由於我的頸部毛病所引致的呢?(註,我已做個CT Scan for brain及超聲波頸部血管掃描,但一切均正常。內科医生說我的眩暈和重影是因頸椎壓到神經所致的。)