1. An irregular heterogeneously enhancing mass with spiculations is noted at the anterior segment of left upper lobe. Measuring 2.2x1.9x1.6cm in size. No intralesional calcification or cavitation is noted. Findings are highly suspicious of malignancy.
2. Irregular nodular thickening of the left oblique fissure is noted, suggestive of metastatic pleural deposits.
3. Interlobular septal thickening with irregularity is noted at the apico-posterior segment of left upper lobe, lymphangitis carcinomatosis cannot be excluded in current clinical context.
4. Several soft tissue nodules; up to 0.5cm are scattered at right middle and left lower lobes, could be intrapulmonary metastases.
5. Moderate left pleural effusion is evident. There is no right pleural effusion. Trachea is not deviated. Major airways are patent.
6. Mediastinal lymph nodes are not significantly enlarged.
7. A few subcentimeter hypoenhancing foci are noted in the liver, they are too small to be characterised.