[ 會員# ] Carol
multiple uterine fibroid
I have a multiple uterine fibroid
largest one is 8.4 x 7 x 9.0, others measure less than 5cm
I feel a little bit aching on lower abdo at times, not painful enough to disturb my daily activity or required pain killer.
however, I hv prolonged irregular bleeding recently and I am not sure if I should go for surgery or just wait.
what really concern me is that I would like to have my own children in 2-3 years time and i am not sure if it will affects my future pregnancy if go for surgery now or should i just wait and see !?
largest one is 8.4 x 7 x 9.0, others measure less than 5cm
I feel a little bit aching on lower abdo at times, not painful enough to disturb my daily activity or required pain killer.
however, I hv prolonged irregular bleeding recently and I am not sure if I should go for surgery or just wait.
what really concern me is that I would like to have my own children in 2-3 years time and i am not sure if it will affects my future pregnancy if go for surgery now or should i just wait and see !?
Dear Carol,
Thanks for your question.
It will be better for you to consult your gynaecologist for a proper examination and ultrasound. Since you have irregular bleeding recently, you will need a pap smear and examination of the uterine lining.
Some fibroids affect implantation of the embryo, depending on the location of the fibroid, and hence affecting your fertility.
Also, from your description, the largest fibroid is 9cm which is very big already. I will suggest operation.
Please consult your gynaecologist for more details.
Dr. Fong Sau Yee
Specialist in Obstetrics and Gynaecology
Thanks for your question.
It will be better for you to consult your gynaecologist for a proper examination and ultrasound. Since you have irregular bleeding recently, you will need a pap smear and examination of the uterine lining.
Some fibroids affect implantation of the embryo, depending on the location of the fibroid, and hence affecting your fertility.
Also, from your description, the largest fibroid is 9cm which is very big already. I will suggest operation.
Please consult your gynaecologist for more details.
Dr. Fong Sau Yee
Specialist in Obstetrics and Gynaecology
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