Hong Kong Society of Cytology
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The Objects of the Society are:
- to provide a forum for the exchange of ideas on the scientific concepts of cytology, on the interpretation and reporting of cytological findings and on the technical aspects of the speciality;
- to foster an interest in the training, status and conditions of employment of cytologists within Hong Kong SAR, China.
- to endeavour to achieve uniformity in the interpretation and reporting of cytological findings;
- to advance the knowledge and standards of cytology in the SAR by means of seminars, lectures, case conferences and other appropriate means including the publication of relevant material in existing medical or technical journals or by the publication of broadsheets or on the world wide web;
- to encourage research in cytology;
- to establish liaison with similar bodies having similar aims in China and other countries;
- to represent the special interests of cytological services before the various levels of government and its instrumentalities, the Academy of Medicine, the HK College of Pathologists, the HK Society of Medical Technology Association, HK Associations of Medical Societies and other organizations representing the interests of the professions and health services 
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