[ 會員#14208 ] jobylww
病患者男 - 42.5歲
The knee alignment is normal. There is minor joint fluid. No popliteal cyst is noted
There is abnormal signal on T2FS images in the distal medial femoral condyle due to bone oedema / bruises. This is associated with cartilage loss due to osteochondral lesion (OCL)
The anterior cruciate ligament is thickened. The fibres are still well defined. There is no loss of continuity of the fibres. These are due to a sprain. The posterior cruciate ligament is redundant and the fibres remain intact. No tears is seen.
There is abnormal signal with thinning of the lateral facet patellar articular cartilage. This is seen down to the patellar bone due to Grade 3 / 4 chondromalacia.
On T2* and PD images, there is abnormal meniscal signal seen in the posterior horn of the medial meniscus due to degeneration. No definite tear.
There is no abnormality detected in the medial and lateral collateral ligaments. No soft tissue swelling or oedema is seen. No tear is detected.
The patella is normal in position. There is no dislocation. The quadriceps and the inferior patellar tendon are unremarkable.
1. Minor joint fluid.
2. Bone oedema distal medial femoral condyle with OCL
3. Sprain ACL
4. Chondromalacia
5. Degenerative signal in the posterior horn of the medial meniscus. No definite tear.
The knee alignment is normal. There is minor joint fluid. No popliteal cyst is noted
There is abnormal signal on T2FS images in the distal medial femoral condyle due to bone oedema / bruises. This is associated with cartilage loss due to osteochondral lesion (OCL)
The anterior cruciate ligament is thickened. The fibres are still well defined. There is no loss of continuity of the fibres. These are due to a sprain. The posterior cruciate ligament is redundant and the fibres remain intact. No tears is seen.
There is abnormal signal with thinning of the lateral facet patellar articular cartilage. This is seen down to the patellar bone due to Grade 3 / 4 chondromalacia.
On T2* and PD images, there is abnormal meniscal signal seen in the posterior horn of the medial meniscus due to degeneration. No definite tear.
There is no abnormality detected in the medial and lateral collateral ligaments. No soft tissue swelling or oedema is seen. No tear is detected.
The patella is normal in position. There is no dislocation. The quadriceps and the inferior patellar tendon are unremarkable.
1. Minor joint fluid.
2. Bone oedema distal medial femoral condyle with OCL
3. Sprain ACL
4. Chondromalacia
5. Degenerative signal in the posterior horn of the medial meniscus. No definite tear.
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致陳禮樂醫生 提問