[ 會員#12950 ] Little Angel
病患者女 - 44歲
Dear Little Angel,
You are experiencing some inter-menstrual bleeding which is unusual and a check up with a gynae specialist doctor is to be considered as this is abnormal bleeding. When bleeding occurs between normal periods, there are many possible causes.
While some causes may be easy to treat, others can be due to a serious underlying condition. Whether you notice spotting or heavier bleeding between periods, it’s important to go for testing, diagnosis, and treatment. Potential causes of bleeding between periods include: polyp or fibroid, hormonal problems, stress, medication interference, vaginitis, pregnancy related, or even cancer.
Hope this is helpful!
Kind regards,
Dr Charas Ong
You are experiencing some inter-menstrual bleeding which is unusual and a check up with a gynae specialist doctor is to be considered as this is abnormal bleeding. When bleeding occurs between normal periods, there are many possible causes.
While some causes may be easy to treat, others can be due to a serious underlying condition. Whether you notice spotting or heavier bleeding between periods, it’s important to go for testing, diagnosis, and treatment. Potential causes of bleeding between periods include: polyp or fibroid, hormonal problems, stress, medication interference, vaginitis, pregnancy related, or even cancer.
Hope this is helpful!
Kind regards,
Dr Charas Ong
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