[ 會員# ] Christina Cheung
Doctor of department of rheumatology,
I am a patient with RA and AS. I have taken Tocilizumab (162mg/0.9mL) for on and off about a year, due to lung infection and had to take antibiotics.
I had an injection of Pneumovax 23 vaccination on Feb 18. I plan to have Zostavax vaccination later for transfer to take JAK inhibitor, like Olumiant or Xeljanz.
I would like to know how much time the three drugs should be taken apart.
Thank you for your kind attention and valuable opinion.
I am a patient with RA and AS. I have taken Tocilizumab (162mg/0.9mL) for on and off about a year, due to lung infection and had to take antibiotics.
I had an injection of Pneumovax 23 vaccination on Feb 18. I plan to have Zostavax vaccination later for transfer to take JAK inhibitor, like Olumiant or Xeljanz.
I would like to know how much time the three drugs should be taken apart.
Thank you for your kind attention and valuable opinion.
Please kindly consult your own rheumatologist who had been following you up and who should be the most suitable person to comment on your case, as each patient's background is unique. Thanks.
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