[ 會員#24702 ] Dream
Research about treatment options
病患者男 - 56歲
Your are a great, kind and caring doctor. Thank you so much for your reply. I have a bladder stone 3.1 cm * 1.7 cm * 2.1 cm. There is a research about treatment options for treating bladder stone.
Vesical calculus is a common problem that is treated traditionally with open cystolithotomy or cystolithalopaxy. Open surgery has the inherent problems of a long scar, prolonged catheterization, extended hospitalization, and risk of infection. Transurethral cystolithalopaxy also requires special instruments that carry a risk of trauma, which could lead to urethral strictures. Thirty-eight patients (15 children and 23 adults) were treated for vesical calculi by percutaneous cystolithotomy (PCCL), a minimally invasive procedure. A fluoroscopic-guided tract was made to the bladder through a small suprapubic puncture (9-10 mm) and a nephroscope was inserted via an Amplatz sheath placed suprapubically. The calculus was fragmented with ultrasound or pneumatic energy before being flushed out. A suprapubic catheter was kept in place for 48 hours postsurgery; no urethral catheter was needed. Urethral instrumentation was kept to a minimum. After 48 hours, the suprapubic catheter was clamped and removed after the patient had two or three normal voids. No significant intraoperative or postoperative complication was encountered. Given that the urethra is spared, percutaneous cystolithotomy is a preferred approach in patients with vesical calculi.
Details can be found in the following
Your are a great, kind and caring doctor. Thank you so much for your reply. I have a bladder stone 3.1 cm * 1.7 cm * 2.1 cm. There is a research about treatment options for treating bladder stone.
Vesical calculus is a common problem that is treated traditionally with open cystolithotomy or cystolithalopaxy. Open surgery has the inherent problems of a long scar, prolonged catheterization, extended hospitalization, and risk of infection. Transurethral cystolithalopaxy also requires special instruments that carry a risk of trauma, which could lead to urethral strictures. Thirty-eight patients (15 children and 23 adults) were treated for vesical calculi by percutaneous cystolithotomy (PCCL), a minimally invasive procedure. A fluoroscopic-guided tract was made to the bladder through a small suprapubic puncture (9-10 mm) and a nephroscope was inserted via an Amplatz sheath placed suprapubically. The calculus was fragmented with ultrasound or pneumatic energy before being flushed out. A suprapubic catheter was kept in place for 48 hours postsurgery; no urethral catheter was needed. Urethral instrumentation was kept to a minimum. After 48 hours, the suprapubic catheter was clamped and removed after the patient had two or three normal voids. No significant intraoperative or postoperative complication was encountered. Given that the urethra is spared, percutaneous cystolithotomy is a preferred approach in patients with vesical calculi.
Details can be found in the following
The relevance of the technique, described by the paper published in April 1999, was self explanatory.
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