[ 會員#27860 ] karen Lim
Panic disorder
病患者女 - 46歲
Dear Doctors,
I have been taking lyrica since 2 mths ago from dosage 50-150mg. Recently been prescribed with the following medications; since I have dizziness , nusea and panic feeling during the first 10 days of adding SSRI so doctor has been adjusted gradually due to side effect/ mutually the root cause of panic disorder.
Morning 1/4 of Zoloft 5mg
Zanax 0.125mg 3 times per day
Night lyrica 150mg
Is this the right combination & dosage? As after 14 days Doctor suggests to adjust Zoloft to1/2 of 5mg.
Your prompt reply will be much appreciated.
Ps I have no family record or panic/ anxiety history, except for unspecified dizziness over a year which bothers me so start consulation with Psychiatrict.
Dear Doctors,
I have been taking lyrica since 2 mths ago from dosage 50-150mg. Recently been prescribed with the following medications; since I have dizziness , nusea and panic feeling during the first 10 days of adding SSRI so doctor has been adjusted gradually due to side effect/ mutually the root cause of panic disorder.
Morning 1/4 of Zoloft 5mg
Zanax 0.125mg 3 times per day
Night lyrica 150mg
Is this the right combination & dosage? As after 14 days Doctor suggests to adjust Zoloft to1/2 of 5mg.
Your prompt reply will be much appreciated.
Ps I have no family record or panic/ anxiety history, except for unspecified dizziness over a year which bothers me so start consulation with Psychiatrict.
Dear Karen,
Thank you for your email. It is difficult to advise on the dosages of different medications for a patient without a proper psychiatric assessment of the patient. It is only possible to confirm that Lyrica and Zoloft are both drugs that are prescribed for treatment of Panic Disorder. It is my advice that you should return to your treating psychiatrist early if you are suffering from significant side effects with your medications or you have questions regarding your prescribed medications.
Hope you will get well soon!
Thank you for your email. It is difficult to advise on the dosages of different medications for a patient without a proper psychiatric assessment of the patient. It is only possible to confirm that Lyrica and Zoloft are both drugs that are prescribed for treatment of Panic Disorder. It is my advice that you should return to your treating psychiatrist early if you are suffering from significant side effects with your medications or you have questions regarding your prescribed medications.
Hope you will get well soon!
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