College of Surgeons of Hong Kong
Tel : 28718799
The College of Surgeons of Hong Kong was incorporated in June 1989, with the following objectives:
- to promote the advancement of knowledge in the field of surgery
- to act as an authoritative body in matters of educational or public interest concerning surgery
- to conduct postgraduate training, examination and accreditation of surgeons in Hong Kong
- to provide continuing medical education for surgeons in Hong Kong
- to develop specialties in the field of surgery
- to promote the advancement of knowledge in the field of surgery
- to act as an authoritative body in matters of educational or public interest concerning surgery
- to conduct postgraduate training, examination and accreditation of surgeons in Hong Kong
- to provide continuing medical education for surgeons in Hong Kong
- to develop specialties in the field of surgery
糖尿天使有限公司 ANGEL for Abetic
Tel: 81061088
香港視覺矯正師協會 The Hong Kong Orthoptists Association
Tel: 27623251
香港移植學會 The Hong Kong Society of Transplantation
香港進食失調康復會有限公司 Hong Kong Eating Disorders Association
Tel: 21445757
連心社 Heart To Heart
Tel: 21482380
香港急症醫學會 Hong Kong Society for Emergency Medicine and Surge
Tel: 28718877
香港眼科視光師學會 The Hong Kong Society of Professional Optometrists
紅豆會有限公司 Jelly Bean
Tel: 26892471
香港耳鼻喉科醫學院 Hong Kong College of Otorhinolaryngologists
Tel: 28718733
香港兒童免疫及傳染病學會 Hong Kong Society for Paediatric Immunology and In
Tel: 2255-4295