The New Medico-legal Society of Hong Kong
The New Medico-legal Society of Hong Kong
Tel : 28517851
Under the Constitution the Society's stated objects are:
a) To promote medical, legal and forensic scientific knowledge in all aspects;
b) To sustain and foster interdisciplinary cooperation between lawyers, doctors and forensic scientists in the administration of justice;
c) To organise talks, teaching seminars and forums from time to time in the advancement of knowledge and continuing education in law, medicine and forensic sciences;
d) o liaise with other national bodies in legal medicine and forensic sciences for the advancement of medico-legal knowledge;
e) To publish the proceedings of the Society and other materials relating to legal medicine and forensic sciences;
f) To assist other national medico-legal bodies in the organisation of international and regional conferences in legal medicine and related matters;
g) To do all such acts and things as are incidental or subsidiary to all or any of the above. 
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