Hong Kong Paediatric Nephrology Society
Tel :
1. to advance the interest and knowledge in childhood kidney diseases.
2. to improve the standard of care of children suffering from kidney diseases.
3. to promote child health in relation to kidney diseases in Hong Kong.
2. to improve the standard of care of children suffering from kidney diseases.
3. to promote child health in relation to kidney diseases in Hong Kong.

香港兒童腦科及體智發展學會 The Hong Kong Society of Child Neurology & Develop
Tel: 28955211
美國胸肺學院港澳分會 American College of Chest Physicians, Hong Kong an
香港微生物學醫生協會 Hong Kong Association of Medical Microbiologists
Tel: 2632 1269
香港兒童免疫及傳染病學會 Hong Kong Society for Paediatric Immunology and In
Tel: 2255-4295
香港骨髓移植復康會 (髓康會) BMT
Tel: 62390025
香港理遺學會有限公司 The Hong Kong Continence Society Limited
香港內分泌學會 Hong Kong Society of Endocrinology, Metabolism and
香港強脊會 Hongkong Ankylosing Spondylitis Association
Tel: 27944803
香港血友病會 The Hong Kong Haemophilia Association
Tel: 5285 9064
香港精神科醫學院 The Hong Kong College of Psychiatrists
Tel: 28718776