The Hong Kong Society for Infectious Diseases
Tel : 29903771
To promote the advancement of the study of infectious diseases
To keep the medical profession and the public well informed of the latest developments in the battle against infectious agents
To keep the medical profession and the public well informed of the latest developments in the battle against infectious agents
香港眼科學會 The Hong Kong Ophthalmological Society
Tel: 27619128
香港牙科手術助理員協會 Hong Kong Association of Dental Surgery Assistants
Tel: 28590325
香港內分泌學會 Hong Kong Society of Endocrinology, Metabolism and
糖尿天使有限公司 ANGEL for Abetic
Tel: 81061088
香港陰道鏡及子宮頸病理學會 The Hong Kong Society for Colposcopy and Cervical
Tel: 3505 1529
香港兒童齒科學會 Hong Kong Society of Paediatric Dentistry
Tel: 28590251
香港家連家精神健康倡導協會 Hong Kong FamilyLink Mental Health Advocacy Associ
Tel: 21447244
互勉會 Mutual Aid Association (HK) Ltd
Tel: 3656 0828
香港強脊會 Hongkong Ankylosing Spondylitis Association
Tel: 27944803
活得妙成年關注協會 ADDult Value Association
Tel: 96854563