Hong Kong Society for Nursing Education
Tel :
P.O. Box 98898, Tsim Sha Tsui Post Office, Kowloon, Hong Kong
1. To promote the welfare and protect the interests of the nursing profession
2. To make application or representation to the Government or other appropriate authorities on any question or matter affecting the nursing education or the members of the Society.
3. To facilitate and encourage the free exchange of personal experiences, research findings.
4. To provide for the delivery and holding of lectures, classes, conferences, exhibitions and public meetings, and to publish bulletins or other publications for the advancement of nursing education.
2. To make application or representation to the Government or other appropriate authorities on any question or matter affecting the nursing education or the members of the Society.
3. To facilitate and encourage the free exchange of personal experiences, research findings.
4. To provide for the delivery and holding of lectures, classes, conferences, exhibitions and public meetings, and to publish bulletins or other publications for the advancement of nursing education.

Hong Kong Medical Web Hong Kong Medical Web
Tel: 2578 3833
香港腫瘤化療學會 The Hong Kong Cancer Therapy Society
Tel: 22554687
香港微生物及傳染病學會 Hong Kong Society for Microbiology & Infection
Tel: 2990 2458
香港骨髓移植復康會 (髓康會) BMT
Tel: 62390025
向日葵互協會 sunflowernetwork
Tel: 36560838
腎康會 Kidney Rehabilitation Society
Tel: 26323012
香港耳鼻喉科醫學院 Hong Kong College of Otorhinolaryngologists
Tel: 28718733
香港肝臟移植協康會 The Hong Kong Liver Transplant Patients' Associati
Tel: 25664363
香港視覺矯正師協會 The Hong Kong Orthoptists Association
Tel: 27623251
香港創域會有限公司 The Hong Kong Pioneers Mutual Support Association
Tel: 36560799