Hong Kong Urological Association
Tel :
1. To promote the interest in and a better understanding of Urology in Hong Kong;
2. To provide a venue for discussion of problems related to Urology;
3. To improve and set the standard of urological care in Hong Kong ; 4. To provide a means of liaison with workers in Urology in other parts of the world;
5. To advise and provide information on postgraduate urological training;
6. To collect and disseminate information regarding members of the Association and information of any event or happening.
7. To achieve the objectives, monthly council meeting is held to plan, organise, implement and review the activities of the Association.
2. To provide a venue for discussion of problems related to Urology;
3. To improve and set the standard of urological care in Hong Kong ; 4. To provide a means of liaison with workers in Urology in other parts of the world;
5. To advise and provide information on postgraduate urological training;
6. To collect and disseminate information regarding members of the Association and information of any event or happening.
7. To achieve the objectives, monthly council meeting is held to plan, organise, implement and review the activities of the Association.
香港心理學會 Hong Kong Psychological Society
香港精神健康護理學院 The Hong Kong College of Mental Health Nursing
香港兒童腦科及體智發展學會 The Hong Kong Society of Child Neurology & Develop
Tel: 28955211
香港微創外科學會 Hong Kong Society of Minimal Access Surgery
健樂社 Kin Lok Club
Tel: 36673228
互勉會 Mutual Aid Association (HK) Ltd
Tel: 3656 0828
關懷愛滋 Aids Concern Foundation Limited
Tel: 28984411
香港風濕學學會 The Hong Kong Society of Rheumatology
Tel: 2396 6468
香港理遺學會有限公司 The Hong Kong Continence Society Limited
連心社 Heart To Heart
Tel: 21482380