[ 會員#12195 ] Priscilla Chu
Dear Ms
1) there are many areas relating exposure to medications or medical procedures in early pregnancy with inadequate research to the effect on mother & foetus. that explains why all doctors are cautious on the comments
2) No one knows , just from your description, the likelihood of effects on pregnancy. In theory, the best person to answer your query is the one who did the procedure on you as he or she should know the equipment, the dosage and the likelihood to have effects on pregnancy. therefore, go back to the person and this would be the smartest options. In case he or she could not give the expert opinion, he or she should be responsible to refer you to an expert for advice.
3) gettin advice all different people would just create confusion, depression & worries
best regards
Clement Leung-Kwok CHAN
1) there are many areas relating exposure to medications or medical procedures in early pregnancy with inadequate research to the effect on mother & foetus. that explains why all doctors are cautious on the comments
2) No one knows , just from your description, the likelihood of effects on pregnancy. In theory, the best person to answer your query is the one who did the procedure on you as he or she should know the equipment, the dosage and the likelihood to have effects on pregnancy. therefore, go back to the person and this would be the smartest options. In case he or she could not give the expert opinion, he or she should be responsible to refer you to an expert for advice.
3) gettin advice all different people would just create confusion, depression & worries
best regards
Clement Leung-Kwok CHAN
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