[ 會員#12787 ] Yedda Chan
Dear Ms
vaginal discharge is normal in reproductive aged women due to the female hormonal changes.
Before ovulation, this could be clear and watery. After ovulation, this could be thick, white like nasal secretion
U need to see gynaecolgist if the discharge is associated with:
1) colour- irrespective it is yellowish, greenish ( which could suggest infection)(Also please not every doctor can access to do the complete check as many micro-organisms are not detected by ordinary culture method. You need to find a doctor specialising in this) or the worst, brownish or red( suggest bleeding)
2) foul smell
3) itchiness
Best regards
Dr Clement Leung Kwok CHAN
vaginal discharge is normal in reproductive aged women due to the female hormonal changes.
Before ovulation, this could be clear and watery. After ovulation, this could be thick, white like nasal secretion
U need to see gynaecolgist if the discharge is associated with:
1) colour- irrespective it is yellowish, greenish ( which could suggest infection)(Also please not every doctor can access to do the complete check as many micro-organisms are not detected by ordinary culture method. You need to find a doctor specialising in this) or the worst, brownish or red( suggest bleeding)
2) foul smell
3) itchiness
Best regards
Dr Clement Leung Kwok CHAN
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