[ 會員#20487 ] Y.S Tse
病患者男 - 7歲
It is not understandable that laparoscopic hernia surgery with mesh is commended by the medical professionals for being much superior to open and mesh surgery, but the recurrence rate of laparoscopy surgery is double that of open surgery, for example, 2% vs 1%.. Why?
If the skills and experience of the surgeons are crucial, how can concerned patients get such information of the individual surgeons in order to alleviate some of their anxiety?
It is not understandable that laparoscopic hernia surgery with mesh is commended by the medical professionals for being much superior to open and mesh surgery, but the recurrence rate of laparoscopy surgery is double that of open surgery, for example, 2% vs 1%.. Why?
If the skills and experience of the surgeons are crucial, how can concerned patients get such information of the individual surgeons in order to alleviate some of their anxiety?
Thank you for your question. I don't know where you got your data, but laparoscopic surgery for hernia carries the SAME risk of recurrence compared with traditional open surgery (0.5% according to literature).
Laparoscopic surgery wound is smaller than traditional surgery, and there may be less post operative pain, otherwise there is no significant difference in treatment outcome. Therefore, laparoscopic hernia surgery is not much superior to traditional surgery, and it is recommended only in recurrent or bilateral hernia cases.
You are correct that the skills and experience of surgeons are crucial, but there is no objective way to compare who's better than who. In general, hernia surgery is not complex, and most qualified surgery specialists in Hong Kong have enough experience.
Laparoscopic surgery wound is smaller than traditional surgery, and there may be less post operative pain, otherwise there is no significant difference in treatment outcome. Therefore, laparoscopic hernia surgery is not much superior to traditional surgery, and it is recommended only in recurrent or bilateral hernia cases.
You are correct that the skills and experience of surgeons are crucial, but there is no objective way to compare who's better than who. In general, hernia surgery is not complex, and most qualified surgery specialists in Hong Kong have enough experience.
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