The Hong Kong College of Psychiatrists
Tel : 28718776
The objectives of the College are:
1. To promote the study and advancement of the science and practice of psychiatry and ancillary sciences and branches of medicine;
2. To further public education therein;
3. To contribute to the improvement of mental health care for Hong Kong citizens through the provision of specially trained psychiatrists.
1. To promote the study and advancement of the science and practice of psychiatry and ancillary sciences and branches of medicine;
2. To further public education therein;
3. To contribute to the improvement of mental health care for Hong Kong citizens through the provision of specially trained psychiatrists.

香港肝病學會 The Hong Kong Association for the Study of Liver D
Tel: 35134833
香港胸肺學會 Hong Kong Thoracic Society Limited
香港骨科醫學會 The Hong Kong Orthopaedic Association
Tel: 25956493
香港腫瘤化療學會 The Hong Kong Cancer Therapy Society
Tel: 22554687
香港強脊會 Hongkong Ankylosing Spondylitis Association
Tel: 27944803
香港睡眠醫學會 The Hong Kong Society of Sleep Medicine
Tel: 22555906
恆康互助社 Amity Mutual-Support Society
Tel: 23322759
少青風協會有限公司 Hong Kong Paediatric Pheumatism Association
Tel: 23463223
香港家連家精神健康倡導協會 Hong Kong FamilyLink Mental Health Advocacy Associ
Tel: 21447244
香港兒童免疫及傳染病學會 Hong Kong Society for Paediatric Immunology and In
Tel: 2255-4295