The Hong Kong Paediatric Society
Tel : 35134750
The Society has gone a long way since its early days and has faithfully and actively pursuing the objectives of the Society in a four-prong approach:-
1. Advancement of Knowledge in Child Health Care
2. To Maintain High Standard of Child Health Care
3. Promotion of Child Health through Public Education
4. Comradeship
1. Advancement of Knowledge in Child Health Care
2. To Maintain High Standard of Child Health Care
3. Promotion of Child Health through Public Education
4. Comradeship
美國胸肺學院港澳分會 American College of Chest Physicians, Hong Kong an
香港婦產科學院 Hong Kong College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologi
Tel: 28718700
香港兒童腦科及體智發展學會 The Hong Kong Society of Child Neurology & Develop
Tel: 28955211
香港心康會 Hong Kong Heart Club
Tel: 24960356
腎友聯 Alliance for Renal Patient's Mutual Help Associati
Tel: 8100-0821
香港睡眠醫學會 The Hong Kong Society of Sleep Medicine
Tel: 22555906
香港血友病會 The Hong Kong Haemophilia Association
Tel: 5285 9064
香港外科醫學院 College of Surgeons of Hong Kong
Tel: 28718799
健樂社 Kin Lok Club
Tel: 36673228
香港胸肺學會 Hong Kong Thoracic Society Limited