Hong Kong Society of Minimal Access Surgery
Tel :
1. To promote the advancement of minimal access surgery and allied subjects.
2. To promote, foster, develop and assist the medical profession in the acquisition, dissemination and application of knowledge and information concerning minimal access surgery.
3. To stimulate public interest and provide public education in the minimal access surgery and to assist in keeping the medical profession with the latest development in this field.
2. To promote, foster, develop and assist the medical profession in the acquisition, dissemination and application of knowledge and information concerning minimal access surgery.
3. To stimulate public interest and provide public education in the minimal access surgery and to assist in keeping the medical profession with the latest development in this field.
香港口腔頜面外科學會 The Hong Kong Association of Oral and Maxillofacia
香港牙科手術助理員協會 Hong Kong Association of Dental Surgery Assistants
Tel: 28590325
香港心臟專科學院 Hong Kong College of Cardiology
Tel: 28992035
香港兒童腦科及體智發展學會 The Hong Kong Society of Child Neurology & Develop
Tel: 28955211
香港家庭醫學學院 The Hong Kong College of Family Physicians
Tel: 2871 8899
香港老人科醫學會 The Hong Kong Geriatrics Society
Tel: 23666813
香港疼痛學會有限公司 The Hong Kong Pain Society Limited
香港骨科醫學會 The Hong Kong Orthopaedic Association
Tel: 25956493
香港兒科醫學會 The Hong Kong Paediatric Society
Tel: 35134750
香港急症醫學會 Hong Kong Society for Emergency Medicine and Surge
Tel: 28718877