Hong Kong Society of Medical Genetics
Tel : 2360 5479
1. The Society periodically organizes lectures, seminars and courses in medical genetics to members of the Society and other persons interested in this field.
2. The Society organizes international conferences in medical genetics at least biannually.
3. The Society would organize visits to overseas genetic centres, including those in Mainland China, to facilitate cross border collaboration and knowledge exchange.
4. The Society would initiate join ventures and cooperation with academic institutions and organizations for projects in medical genetics.
5. The Society is planning for registration and accreditation of persons and laboratories engaged in activities in medical genetics.
1. The Society periodically organizes lectures, seminars and courses in medical genetics to members of the Society and other persons interested in this field.
2. The Society organizes international conferences in medical genetics at least biannually.
3. The Society would organize visits to overseas genetic centres, including those in Mainland China, to facilitate cross border collaboration and knowledge exchange.
4. The Society would initiate join ventures and cooperation with academic institutions and organizations for projects in medical genetics.
5. The Society is planning for registration and accreditation of persons and laboratories engaged in activities in medical genetics.
香港眼科醫學院 College of Ophthalmologists Hong Kong
Tel: 27619128
浸會愛群社會服務處(健群社) Baptist Oi Kwan Social Service (Kin Kwan Social Cl
Tel: 34131641
香港神經科學學會 The Hong Kong Society of Neurosciences
香港疼痛學會有限公司 The Hong Kong Pain Society Limited
香港心理學會 Hong Kong Psychological Society
恆康互助社 Amity Mutual-Support Society
Tel: 23322759
B27協進會 B27 Association
Tel: 31889847
香港眼科視光師學會 The Hong Kong Society of Professional Optometrists
香港理遺學會有限公司 The Hong Kong Continence Society Limited
香港微生物學醫生協會 Hong Kong Association of Medical Microbiologists
Tel: 2632 1269