The Hong Kong Society of Neurosciences
Tel :
1. to advance the understanding of neurosciences by bringing together scientists of various backgrounds and facilitating the integration of research directed at all levels of biological organization;
2. to promote education in the neurosciences;
3. to inform the general public on neuroscience research in Hong Kong;
4. to establish communication with similar societies abroad. By holding seminars and annual conferences, members can enlighten each other by the exchange of ideas, collaboration and discussion of findings in local seminars and conferences to promote neuroscience research in Hong Kong.
2. to promote education in the neurosciences;
3. to inform the general public on neuroscience research in Hong Kong;
4. to establish communication with similar societies abroad. By holding seminars and annual conferences, members can enlighten each other by the exchange of ideas, collaboration and discussion of findings in local seminars and conferences to promote neuroscience research in Hong Kong.

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香港眼科醫學院 College of Ophthalmologists Hong Kong
Tel: 27619128
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關懷愛滋 Aids Concern Foundation Limited
Tel: 28984411
香港肝臟移植協康會 The Hong Kong Liver Transplant Patients' Associati
Tel: 25664363
香港腸胃學會 The Hong Kong Society of Gastroenterology
Tel: 28695933
香港腫瘤化療學會 The Hong Kong Cancer Therapy Society
Tel: 22554687
香港風濕學學會 The Hong Kong Society of Rheumatology
Tel: 2396 6468