The Hong Kong Orthoptists Association
Tel : 27623251
1. Squint assessment and treatment, including pre and post-operatively;
2. Diagnosis of amblyopia (lazy eye) and carry out appropriate treatment;
3. Assess strength of binocular single vision and potential for binocular single vision;
4. Assess ocular motility defect, which may be congenital or resulted from various medical conditions such as thyroidism, stroke, tumour and multiple sclerosis.
2. Diagnosis of amblyopia (lazy eye) and carry out appropriate treatment;
3. Assess strength of binocular single vision and potential for binocular single vision;
4. Assess ocular motility defect, which may be congenital or resulted from various medical conditions such as thyroidism, stroke, tumour and multiple sclerosis.
香港腸胃動力學會 The Hong Kong Society of Gastrointestinal Motility
香港腸胃學會 The Hong Kong Society of Gastroenterology
Tel: 28695933
香港急症醫學會 Hong Kong Society for Emergency Medicine and Surge
Tel: 28718877
香港消化系內視鏡學會 The Hong Kong Society of Digestive Endoscopy
香港唐氏綜合症協會 The Hong Kong Down Syndrome Association Bradbury P
Tel: 27187777
香港陰道鏡及子宮頸病理學會 The Hong Kong Society for Colposcopy and Cervical
Tel: 3505 1529
基督教愛協團契有限公司 Christian Oi Hip Fellowship Ltd
Tel: 29581770
美國胸肺學院港澳分會 American College of Chest Physicians, Hong Kong an
香港兒科醫學會 The Hong Kong Paediatric Society
Tel: 35134750
香港小兒腎科學會 Hong Kong Paediatric Nephrology Society