Hong Kong Association of Dental Surgery Assistants
Tel : 28590325
1. To promote the study and practice of Dental Surgery Assistants.
2. To encourage further education for Dental Surgery Assistants.
3. To hold monthly meetings with a speaker, of relevance to Dental Surgery Assistants.
4. To Provide a constitutional body to whom reference may be made by public or private bodies for guidance in connection with the Dental Surgery Assistants profession.
5. Our future goals include information, training and knowledge for all. We wish to encourage life long learning.
2. To encourage further education for Dental Surgery Assistants.
3. To hold monthly meetings with a speaker, of relevance to Dental Surgery Assistants.
4. To Provide a constitutional body to whom reference may be made by public or private bodies for guidance in connection with the Dental Surgery Assistants profession.
5. Our future goals include information, training and knowledge for all. We wish to encourage life long learning.
香港小兒腎科學會 Hong Kong Paediatric Nephrology Society
香港外科醫學院 College of Surgeons of Hong Kong
Tel: 28718799
香港耳鼻喉科醫學院 Hong Kong College of Otorhinolaryngologists
Tel: 28718733
丘中傑糖尿病檢測中心病人小組 YCK Patient Support Group
Tel: 26478806
活得妙成年關注協會 ADDult Value Association
Tel: 96854563
香港腦科學會 Hong Kong Neurological Society
Tel: 2396 6261
互勉會 Mutual Aid Association (HK) Ltd
Tel: 3656 0828
Hong Kong Medical Web Hong Kong Medical Web
Tel: 2578 3833
香港耳鼻喉頭頸外科醫學會 Hong Kong Society of Otorhinolaryngology, Head & N
Tel: 2648 8898
腎友互助協會 Renal Mutual Help Association
Tel: 23382516