Hong Kong Society for Emergency Medicine and Surge
Tel : 28718877
To promote the interest in Accident and Emergency Medicine and Surgery amongst members and the medical profession in Hong Kong.
To foster better understanding and relationship among members by organizing social functions, and professional activities.
To look after the interests of its members by providing a forum for discussion on matters affecting them and by keeping relevant bodies advised on their views.
To liaise with similar organizations in other countries in the pursuit of advancement of knowledge in the field of Accident and Emergency Medicine and Surgery.
To foster better understanding and relationship among members by organizing social functions, and professional activities.
To look after the interests of its members by providing a forum for discussion on matters affecting them and by keeping relevant bodies advised on their views.
To liaise with similar organizations in other countries in the pursuit of advancement of knowledge in the field of Accident and Emergency Medicine and Surgery.

香港內分泌學會 Hong Kong Society of Endocrinology, Metabolism and
香港家庭醫學學院 The Hong Kong College of Family Physicians
Tel: 2871 8899
香港微創外科學會 Hong Kong Society of Minimal Access Surgery
香港肛腸學會 Hong Kong Society for Coloproctology
香港腸胃學會 The Hong Kong Society of Gastroenterology
Tel: 28695933
香港心理學會 Hong Kong Psychological Society
香港牙科手術助理員協會 Hong Kong Association of Dental Surgery Assistants
Tel: 28590325
香港耳鼻喉科醫學院 Hong Kong College of Otorhinolaryngologists
Tel: 28718733
香港視網膜病變協會 Retina Hong Kong
Tel: 27089363
香港精神科醫學院 The Hong Kong College of Psychiatrists
Tel: 28718776