The Hong Kong Geriatrics Society
Tel : 23666813
Founded in 1981, the Hong Kong Geriatrics Society (HKGS) is a non-profit professional society for geriatricians and other medical practitioners with an interest in medical care of older people. The society strives to represent the needs of its members and the Hong Kong society, older people in particular. It aims to review and improve the care of the older people in Hong Kong. Its major roles are in geriatric education and training, improving standards of geriatric medicine, geriatric research and making recommendations on government policy concerning older people. According to the report of the Hong Kong College of Physicians (May 2014 issue), geriatric medicine is the second largest specialty after Cardiology, with 180 fellows in geriatric medicine in Hong Kong. At present, there are around 250 members in the Hong Kong Geriatrics Society
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