[ 會員# ] man
本人今年四十歲,半年前因尿道炎,遲咗睇醫生而變左前列腺炎!一直食消炎藥到現在都冇乜好轉!長期都係小便冇力同好似唔完咁,尤其係晚上就特別嚴重!而陰莖又長期處於半興奮狀態!現想請問到底係咪因為前列腺炎嘅影響呢! 謝謝!
As the prostate is part of the lower urinary tract, infections of the lower urinary tract may affect the prostate. Symptoms of prostate infection can be acute and chronic; they can be differentiated by history and physical examination including digital rectal examination. Further investigations including taking urine and semen samples for bacterial culture, blood tests and examination of the prostate by ultrasound are required. The response of acute bacterial prostate infection, without complication, to antibiotics is usually seen within a week's time while that of chronic prostate infection is more protracted and frequently recur. The complex nature of chronic prostate infection and its resistance to treatment many a time necessitate the use of additional medication besides antibiotics.
Since Mr. Man also has poor urine flow and erectile problem, proper assessment is needed before incriminating prostate infection as the root cause
Since Mr. Man also has poor urine flow and erectile problem, proper assessment is needed before incriminating prostate infection as the root cause
[ 會員#30684 ] Craig : 膀胱過度活躍症、急迫性尿失禁、尿床
[ 會員#18586 ] Tony : Harnal
[ 會員#18586 ] Tony : 尿頭拿住拿住,尿頻
[ 會員#28062 ] Joey Liu : 前列腺癌复發
[ 會員#29875 ] Nan : 小便痛