[ 會員#20688 ] KK


病患者男 - 70歲

rib cage is intact, no fracture is seen.
Soft mass measuring 3x4cm is noted in lower left lobe, features are likely of a neoplasm.
rest portion of both lungs including apices and costophrenic angles are clear. No evidence of tuberculosis, pleural effusion or pneumothorax is noted. The heart is not enlarged.
Unfolding of aortic arch with calcific plaques is noted and suggestive of atherosclerosis.

正安排下星期CT SCAN,我想同時先預約專科,到時帶同報告讓醫生診症。
網上SEARCH資料,想問我下一步搵專科醫生,應詃係腫瘤科 OR 心肺科 ?
除CT SCAN,有冇其他檢查可以預先做,以助專科醫生診症?

先在此感謝各醫生寶貴時間回覆及建議 !
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