[ 會員#23707 ] 78849
病患者男 - 34歲
醫生, 你好~ 病人做左頸既超聲波同電腦掃瞄
報告如下 , 先多謝醫生既回覆 感激!
1. 請問以下報告係咪指病人有頸部靜脈腫脹?
2. 會唔會有生命危險?
3. 會唔會變癌症?
4. 我哋應該點治療?
5. 如果唔治療會點?
6. 我哋應要定期去照電腦掃描觀察住嗎?
7. 如要睇專科 應該睇邊一科?
8. 就以下報告反映 病人可以打復必泰嗎?
9. 點解病人同時會有 頸部靜脈腫脹 / 水瘤囊腫0.21cm / 1.05cm發炎性頸淋巴
EXAM. DATE: 07/08/2021
Computed Tomography Report
CT Neck with & without contrast
Serial axial scans were performed from the base of the skull to the lung apices with and without intravenous contrast injection using a 256 slice MDCT.
Left neck swelling during straining and in prone position.
Nasopharynx has a smooth outline. No focal mass lesion is noted. No abnormal obliteration of the para-pharyngeal fossa of both sides can be seen.
The epiglottis appears unremarkable. No abnormal thickening is noted. No abnormal obliteration of the pyriform sinus on either side can be seen. No abvious mass lesion around the vocal cord is noted.
The hypopharynx and the upper oesophagus has normal configuration. No abnormal wall thickening or mass lesion is noted.
The submandibular and parotid glands on both sides appear normal in configuration. No focal mass lesion is noted. No abnormal density to suggest stone formation is noted.
Prominent lymph nodes are seen in bilateral upper cervical region. The large one in the left side measures 1.05cm. These can be reactive in nature. No abnormally enlarged lymph nodes in bilateral cervical regions are seen.
A marker is places in the left side neck, corresponds to the site of palpable mass clinically. Underneath the marker, no abnormal mass or fluid collection is seen.
No focal bony destruction can be seen.
- A marker is placed in the left side neck, corresponds to the site of palpable mass clinically. Underneath the marker, no abnormal mass or fluid collection is seen. Target ultrasound is also done. Under ultrasound and at prone position, the clinically palpable mass probably corresponds to a distended vein in the superficial tissue of the neck, which is probably the left anterior jugular vein. No other mass in the anterior aspect of the neck is seen. Follow-up imaging will be helpful if clinically indicated.
-Prominent lymph nodes are seen in bilateral upper cervical region. These can be reactive in nature.
- No abnormal mass or fluid collection in the neck can be seen.
Date Request: 16/07/2021
The isthmus and both lobes of the thyroid gland are normal in size, outline and echotexture.
The right and left lobes of the thyroid gland measure 1.92 x 1.44 x 4.97cm (TS x AP x CC) and 2.11 x 1.26 x 4.61cm (TS x AP x CC) respectively.
There is no retrosternal extension of the thyroid gland.
A 0.21cm colloid cyst is noted at left thyroid lobe lower pole.
Both parotid and submandibular glands are normal in size, outline and homogenous in parenchymal echogenicity. No focal submandibular or parotid mass is seen.
There is no enlarged or abnormal-looking cervical lymph node in bilateral neck.
- Colloid cyst at left thyroid lobe lower pole.
- No other focal lesion is detected.
醫生, 你好~ 病人做左頸既超聲波同電腦掃瞄
報告如下 , 先多謝醫生既回覆 感激!
1. 請問以下報告係咪指病人有頸部靜脈腫脹?
2. 會唔會有生命危險?
3. 會唔會變癌症?
4. 我哋應該點治療?
5. 如果唔治療會點?
6. 我哋應要定期去照電腦掃描觀察住嗎?
7. 如要睇專科 應該睇邊一科?
8. 就以下報告反映 病人可以打復必泰嗎?
9. 點解病人同時會有 頸部靜脈腫脹 / 水瘤囊腫0.21cm / 1.05cm發炎性頸淋巴
EXAM. DATE: 07/08/2021
Computed Tomography Report
CT Neck with & without contrast
Serial axial scans were performed from the base of the skull to the lung apices with and without intravenous contrast injection using a 256 slice MDCT.
Left neck swelling during straining and in prone position.
Nasopharynx has a smooth outline. No focal mass lesion is noted. No abnormal obliteration of the para-pharyngeal fossa of both sides can be seen.
The epiglottis appears unremarkable. No abnormal thickening is noted. No abnormal obliteration of the pyriform sinus on either side can be seen. No abvious mass lesion around the vocal cord is noted.
The hypopharynx and the upper oesophagus has normal configuration. No abnormal wall thickening or mass lesion is noted.
The submandibular and parotid glands on both sides appear normal in configuration. No focal mass lesion is noted. No abnormal density to suggest stone formation is noted.
Prominent lymph nodes are seen in bilateral upper cervical region. The large one in the left side measures 1.05cm. These can be reactive in nature. No abnormally enlarged lymph nodes in bilateral cervical regions are seen.
A marker is places in the left side neck, corresponds to the site of palpable mass clinically. Underneath the marker, no abnormal mass or fluid collection is seen.
No focal bony destruction can be seen.
- A marker is placed in the left side neck, corresponds to the site of palpable mass clinically. Underneath the marker, no abnormal mass or fluid collection is seen. Target ultrasound is also done. Under ultrasound and at prone position, the clinically palpable mass probably corresponds to a distended vein in the superficial tissue of the neck, which is probably the left anterior jugular vein. No other mass in the anterior aspect of the neck is seen. Follow-up imaging will be helpful if clinically indicated.
-Prominent lymph nodes are seen in bilateral upper cervical region. These can be reactive in nature.
- No abnormal mass or fluid collection in the neck can be seen.
Date Request: 16/07/2021
The isthmus and both lobes of the thyroid gland are normal in size, outline and echotexture.
The right and left lobes of the thyroid gland measure 1.92 x 1.44 x 4.97cm (TS x AP x CC) and 2.11 x 1.26 x 4.61cm (TS x AP x CC) respectively.
There is no retrosternal extension of the thyroid gland.
A 0.21cm colloid cyst is noted at left thyroid lobe lower pole.
Both parotid and submandibular glands are normal in size, outline and homogenous in parenchymal echogenicity. No focal submandibular or parotid mass is seen.
There is no enlarged or abnormal-looking cervical lymph node in bilateral neck.
- Colloid cyst at left thyroid lobe lower pole.
- No other focal lesion is detected.
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