[ 會員#12592 ] Kevin

腮腺瘤 Partiod Gland Tumor

Dear doctors,

I have been diagonised with a partiod gland tumor and my surgeon has suggested a removal to prevent it from becoming cancerous. I have been searching for materials on the internet regarding such a surgery and I am rather disturbed by the long scar left on the face and neck after the traditional type of surgery. I also realise there is actually alternative through minimal invasive surgery which cosmetically hides the scar around/behind the year.

Please be so kind to let me have your opinion if both type of surgery are equally good? What issues I would need to take note? Is minimal invasive surgery something very much proven and widely used nowadays? Which surgeon would you reccomend?


Hi Kevin,
From what you have described, I suppose you have already made an initial diagnosis of a benign condition from previous biopsy. But I need one more piece of information, i.e. the exact location of the lesion, before I would recommend the type of the surgery.
Anatomically the paroid was divided into two parts, the superficial and the deep part. They are separated and intermingled by the facial nerve plexus. The superficial part could be quite safely resected without neurological sequelae. But attempt to completely remove the superficial part, or even partial resection of the deep can result in facial palsy on that side, which is unacceptable to most patients. Thus I need the exact pathology report to give a comment whether you should proceed.
Anyway if that is the case, I really doubt a minimal invasive surgery could make it. I have discussed with some very experienced surgeons, and they suggested a conventional operation usually resulted in good cosmesis. Minimal invasive surgery could only remove a small part of the parotid, or the tumour only. It dose not fit every case.
So you are welcomed to give me more information, including the biopsy result as well as imaging report, so that I can offer you some more solid recommendation. About experienced surgeons, there are several of them around town. The more important thing is: do you really need that operation. We don't always encourage it if the benefit to a patient is too small.
Dr Liu Shiu Fai Edward.

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